Thursday, June 26, 2008

Birthday Treats

Whenever one of our kids has a birthday, we always get to look forward to this special treat.
The other day Peyton (my niece) spent the night with Grandma Shirley. She and Grandma were very busy.

This one was done when Mark turned two. It features Jason's brother and sister-in-law (Chad and Gina). The kids are Vincent and Peyton, our nephew and niece.

What a musical family I married into. Thanks guys!! We love it.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Anna (a day late)! You are precious! You remind me of my two little girls 20 years ago! Wish I could give you a hug!

dlyn said...

They are trying to make us look bad by singing in tune aren't they? Well, it's working! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! If I would've known that was going to be made public I would've sang louder. :)
You can bet with the next B-day video I am going to bring my A-Game. :)
Love you guys!

Weezee said...

Hey what about the cattle dog choir!!!? we would have called and sang for Anna but I was afraid it would scare her. :D We'll wiat for a couple more years to do that.
Happy Birthday Anna!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear, Anna and Mark,
I miss you guys! I can"t wait to see you in June. We were just watching your blog. Love Peyton!