Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Zoo

The other day, we decided to have a fun family day. We haven't had a lot of that this year. We have been constantly working on making our house a home.
Our special day was a trip to the zoo. We have a small zoo in a town close to us. So we headed there.
We played hide and seek with the animals for most of the morning. They were hiding; we were seeking. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to show a toddler an animal that doesn't really want to be seen. This conversation took place at almost all of the enclosures.
Me: Mark, look. Do you see the wolf?
Mark: No.
Me: Look under the bush.
Mark: What bush?
Me: The bush I am pointing to. See it?
Mark: No.
Me: Look where I am pointing. It isn't back there. That is where they keep the snow owl. Look under that bush. Do you see it?
Mark: No.
Me: Fine. Let's go look at the next animal.

He has the attention span of a gnat. He had fun even though he only saw about half the animals there.

Here was the highlight of our day. This bear was so cool. I took tons of pictures but will only bore your with this one. Mark was so fascinated to be able to see it so close. The bear kept looking up at us too, like we were disturbing his nap.

These two look like they are having a blast don't they? Lighten up you guys. We are having fun. I have to tell him everything.

We climbed to the top to the town's old fire tower. There is nothing like going 55 ft up on steep little bitty stairs with two little kids. But we can say we did it. Really up was easy; down was much harder. Mark thought he would rather stay up than try to navigate the stairs back down. He is a brave one though. And we talked him down.

Our final stop was the reptile house. Look at this really creepy albino snapping turtle. Isn't that weird. Mark was more afraid to go in here than to the top of the fire tower.

So that was our trip in a nut shell. We had a fun day. Our trip out in the world was concluded with a stop at Walmarts (that is the way my Great Grandma used to say. I always thought it was so cute.) Really what trip is complete without a stop at Walmarts.
Jason even had time to fix the faucet when we got home. Anna helped.


dlyn said...

Cool turtle. And a great post - very funny. Love the photo of Anna helping :)

Lauren said...

Anna is such a great help! Isn't that the same thing she does to the pets?

Fisher's Blog said...

I can't believe how big the kids are getting and it was very nice to see a picture of you for a change. :)

Anonymous said...

My grandma puts an "s" on everyting too, like walmarts and Ihops (the pancake restaurant). I agree, it is so cute :)
Liked the zoo pictures too :)

Jules said...

When we go to the zoo my boys like to visit the lions at feeding time and the two-headed snake. Eeew.
What is it with boys/

Cynthia said...

I love going to the zoo...great pics!